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교대) 반려동물 동반 카페 '아워헤르츠(Our Hertz)'


반려동물과의 평화로운 공생을 지향하는 카페 '아워헤르츠(Our Hertz)'

카페 한 코너엔 반려동물을 위한 장난감, 굿즈 등을 판매하고 있다

같은 건물에 반려동물을 위한 유치원, 호텔까지 있다🐶🐱


서울 카페 '아워헤르츠(Our Hertz)'

교대 카페 '아워헤르츠(Our Hertz)'

서울 애견 동반 카페 '아워헤르츠(Our Hertz)'

서울 반려동물 동반 카페

서울 카페 추천 '아워헤르츠(Our Hertz)'

서울 데이트 '아워헤르츠(Our Hertz)'

서울 교대 카페 '아워헤르츠(Our Hertz)'

교대 카페 추천 '아워헤르츠(Our Hertz)'


'Our Hertz' is a cafe where they seek for a peaceful coexistence with people and their pets🐶🐱

Toys and merch are sold in cafe and there are kindergarten and hotel for your pets in the building as well 🙀

* Americano 4.0

* Cafe Latte 4.5

* Cream Latte 5.0

* Signature Almond Blanc 5.0 --- in the photo

* Real Strawberry Latte 6.0

* Omija Ade 5.0

* Panna Cotta 4.0

* Tiramisu 6.5

* Milk and Cookies for 🐾 3.0

👍🏻 highly recommend for

- Pet Owners

- Unique Signature menus






‼️Due to Korean Government regulations, Opening hours may vary.

Check place's ig for most accurate info.

☕️ coffee, non coffee, dessert available 🧁

☑️ Sun - Tue 10:00 am ~ 10:00 pm (Closed on Mondays)

Wed - Sat 10:00 am ~ 6:00 pm

@ Instagram




