현대 건물과 한옥의 조화가 인상적인 공간 '로우루프(Low Roof)'
공간처럼 메뉴도 동서양의 퓨전이 조화롭게 이루어진 디저트와 음료들로 구성되어 있어 흥미로운 카페🥐🍵

A very impressive space with blend of old and new, 'Cafe Lowroof' offers menu that is as interesting as the space, of blend of Asia and European 🥐🍵
* Americano 5.0
* Vanilla Latte 6.0
* Signature Cream Latte 6.0
* Jasmine Sujeonggwa 7.0 - in the photo
* Tea Variation 5.5 - in the photo
* Mini Size Ricotta Donut 3.5
* Jujube Ganache Financier 3.0
* Lavender Yakgwa 2.5
* Chestnut Cream Croissant 8.0
* Wine Chestnut Mousse 8.5
* Chili Jam Croissant Sandwich 9.0
👍🏻 highly recommend for
- Outdoor seatings
- Unique menu of fusion deeserts and drink
- Very pretty hanok space
‼️Due to Korean Government regulations, Opening hours may vary.
Check place's ig for most accurate info.
🍰 Desserts , Coffee, Non-coffee drinks available ☕️
☑️ Tue - Sun 10:00 am ~ 8:00 pm (Closed on Mondays)
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