봄이 다가오면 항상 언급되는 카페 '그레이랩(Grey Lab)'
갈 때마다 서울에 이런 곳이 있다는게 놀랍고 즐겁다 🌸🌸🌸
뒷마당에 있는 큰 벚꽃나무들은 봄의 감성에 취하게 해준다
벚꽃 시즌을 더 풍성하게 즐기기에 딱인 곳🌸✔️

Yet another season of Cherry blossom has finally came upon us and the ultimate destination to enjoy the season as cafe lovers in Seoul is definitely '그레이랩(Grey Lab)' 🌸🌸🌸🌸
The giant cherry blossom trees on their backyard really brings out the spring mood and makes your spring coffee experience all the more enjoyable🌸🌸
* Americano 4.5 --- in the photo
* Flat White 4.5
* Grey Latte 6.0
* Apple Tea/Ade 7.0
* Beer 8.0
* S'more cookie 3.8
* Strawberry Cake 7.5
👍🏻 highly recommend for
- The Ultimate Cherry Blossom Experience Cafe
- Reasonable Coffee prices and good coffee/dessert
- Nice to work seat indoors
- Plant Milk Option Available
‼️Due to Korean Government regulations, Opening hours may vary.
Check place's ig for most accurate info.
⚠️Second Floor Terrace only available on weekends ;
If you want the best photo with the cherry blossom do so on weekends
☕️ Coffee and non-coffee drinks, desserts available 🍮
☑️ Mon - Fri 10:00 am ~ 10:00 pm
Sat - Sun 12:00 pm ~ 10:00 pm
Click the image below to check out Chloe's Instagram
이미지를 클릭하면 Chloe 인스타그램으로 연결됩니다!
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