'아무것도 하지 않을때, 아름다운 곳' '뷰클런즈(Bjorklunds)'
단순한 카페를 넘어 여유를 위한 책, 사진, 굿즈 등이 어우러진 아름다운 공간 🕊
'뷰클런즈(Bjorklunds)' is a place to find absolute peace with not just as a cafe but as a shop, library, exhibition and space 🕊
* Sweden Sweet Latte 6.5
* Sweden Filter Coffee 6.5
* Sweden Milk Tea 6.8
* Americano 5.5
* Passionfruit Ade 6.5
* Tea Variations 6.0 --- in the photo
* Earl Grey Fig Cake 6.4
* Cherry Choco Cake 6.4
👍🏻 highly recommend for
- Cozy chill atmosphere
- various coffee/tea
- multi cultural space
‼️Due to Korean Government regulations, Opening hours may vary.
Check place's ig for most accurate info.
🥗 Brunch , Coffee and non-coffee drinks available 🥪
☑️ Everyday 12:00 pm ~ 10:00 pm
Click the image below to check out Chloe's Instagram
이미지를 클릭하면 Chloe 인스타그램으로 연결됩니다!
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